Ecobuild was on this week at London’s ExCel and as usual showcased the latest developments in sustainable approaches to the built environment. As well as the stands for the latest in high performance building materials, renewable energy sources and innovative design, a few more specifically environmental issues were also represented from WWF and the Woodland Trust to Airlite pollution neutralising paint, UN Sustainable Develpoment goals & Population Matters.

Man’s impact on the Planet (Population Matters)
Particularly enjoyed this graphic sculpture of human impact and a thought provoking seminar with architect Dr Walter Stahel (see on the Circular Economy. Stahel promotes a different way of thinking about resources that incorporates all the costs from cradle to cradle with re-use and recyclability embedded in building and product development from the start. He thinks of human labour as the “ultimate sustainable resource” which can replace mechanised energy consumption to reduce the human resource footprint. “We should design objects that don’t end up as plastic waste on a beach in Hawaii”. I think we could all agree with that. 
Meanwhile locally Adam David Ge-Saelis creates buildings, furniture, lighting and interiors using a minimum of 95% recycled waste. He helped create Ecobuild’s Waste Zone this year and will be showcasing some of his work to the public in Brixton in April.  
Adam has a lot of great ideas and has made some impressive structures with re-used materials. See for more details.