Would you like to join local residents for a programme of facilitated workshops exploring our responses to the climate crisis -personally and collectively? Living with the climate crisis is a programme of workshops which offer a mix of psychologically-based groupwork and experiential learning which support people in managing their feelings, experiences and actions towards this complex issue.  Anxiety, […]

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There’s a lot to share about all that’s happening at the Tooting Foodival on 14th September, so we’ll cover all of these in separate blog posts. We hope you enjoy the info about our creative offer for adults and young people. All invited to our base in the large yard part way down Hereward Road. […]

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Our previous blog post describes Growing Community Part 1 – and to recap in the last week of July our long-planned collaboration between Ravenstone School and Tooting Community Garden offered two interlinked local ‘Growing Community in the Heart of the City’ workshops as part of The Mayor of London’s National Park City Festival The common […]

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‘Growing Communities in the Heart of the City’ is this weekend in the Tooting Community Garden!We’ll be running our free open day on Sunday 28th July from 12:00-4:00 to celebrate the National Park City Festival and also our 8th birthday (we’ve opened the garden on around 400 Sundays!)   What will we be doing on […]

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We’re thrilled to be running the Jellybrella creative workshop in a fortnight as part of Wandsworth Arts Fringe.Free and for all ages: all welcome to join us! We’re holding the Jellybrella workshop from 10:00 to 4:00 on Saturday May 11 in Furzedown at Sprout Community Arts. Bring an umbrella or two if you can – […]

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Our Jellybrella participatory arts project reuses waste to celebrate creativity, diversity and sustainability. The main event is a free family day on May 11th at Sprout Community Arts in Furzedown, offered as part of the Wandsworth Arts Fringe. More info here. Donated at TTT’s ACE The raw materials we’re using are all saved from scrap, […]

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In Spring 2019 TTT is inviting everyone to join in with Jellybrella, our free and participatory community arts sustainabity project reusing waste to celebrate creativity, diversity, welcoming, wellbeing and making alongside others.  We’ll be popping up in February, March, April & May. All invited! It’s early days to be sharing this, but we’ve started to […]

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We’ve enjoyed and learned so much from our partnership project with CARAS which has been running since spring 2015.Here’s Update #2 on one more of the project strands – this one involving the CARAS Women’s Group for refugees and asylum-seekers. We shared Update #1 a fortnight ago – read it here. The knitted honeybees of […]

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