Join us to celebrate & learn about four of TTT’s valued community partners at the Tooting Foodival
We’re all looking forward to the FREE 11th Tooting Foodival on Saturday 15th September – for all the details of the Saturday community feast and more, scroll through our recent posts including our invitation to you to donate locally-grown vegetables and fruit, and about entering the Top Tooting Cook competition.
The Foodival will be at Hereward Road and next door at 220 Upper Tooting Road, SW17 7EW from 11:00 to 5:00 on Saturday 15th.
We want to celebrate four community partners who are helping make the Foodival creative, relevant and anchored in our local community:
- Mushkil Aasaan
- London Sustainability Exchange
- Share Nurseries
- Think Outside
Mushkil Aasaan is a community-based care provider. The Foodival will be in their Hall on Upper Tooting Road and in Hereward Road right outside. Ever since TTT was established ten years ago, Mushkil Aasaan and the Project Director Naseem Aboobaker have been rock-solid friends and partners.We’ve lost count of the number of times we have been able to meet or run sessions in their Hall!
Mushkil Asaan gifts us the yearly use of the land where we run the ‘all welcome’ Tooting Community Garden, our weekly outdoor learning provision with Gatton School, and our Gardens of Sanctuary family days with refugees & asylum seekers from CARAS.
London Sustainability Exchange has been our partners in past activities on Air Quality and more. Throughout 2017 we worked together as LSx co-ordinated the Pollinator Paths Wandsworth Project which engaged 50+ home growing spaces via 4 local community gardens.LSx will be bringing Pollinator Paths 2018 – come along and learn to love insects!
You can do the pollinator recognition survey and sign up for further exciting involvement whatever your age or growing experience.
Share Nurseries is the social enterprise recently launched as part of Share Community.Share Nurseries have supplied plants to us in many projects – all grown in Tooting with a tiny carbon footprint and a large amount of love, care and skill by Share’s beneficiaries.
Their plants will form 2 pop-up raised beds in Hereward Road, and the plants will be for sale later in the day on the 15th.
Think Outside is a local enterprise which runs and advises on outdoor learning workshops in schools, assists schools in raising funds for the re-development of outdoor spaces and leads gardening classes and related activities for the wider community. Come and meet the Think Outside team: they are bringing some great activities from 11:00 until 2:00.