Lockdown Love, Episode 2 – Building Community
Lockdown has been in place here in the UK since the middle of March and had a huge affect on our activities. We had to improvise quick, like everyone, and adapt to a rapidly changing context of how we live, where we live.
Each of us in Transition Town Tooting followed our instincts and interests and together we developed diverse, outward facing projects to help our community, both near and far, using networks nurtured with love for over 10 years.
This blog is the second of three, or maybe four, sharing the projects that grew out of lockdown and inviting you to come get involved.
You never know, Transition Town Tooting maybe fertile ground for collaboration with you…
Episode 2 is all about building community!
In truth, all our projects build community through shared endeavour, whether attracting over 1000 people to a large event like the Tour de Tooting in 2016, or working with CARAS (Community Action for Refugees and Asylum Seekers) in their Women’s Group, Family Days or youth groups.
However the following 2 projects have adapted to lockdown and are running now, building community in strikingly different ways…. Tooting Virtual Green Drinks, a rapidly evolving online space to get together, and 30 Days Wild in Wandsworth – our part in a nation-wide project encouraging each of us to go outside and appreciate nature every day – can you take up the challenge?
Read on to find out more…
Tooting (now virtual) Green Drinks
Green Drinks, pre-lockdown, at The Selkirk Pub |
We had to pause to reflect on the context in which we were working, and the community which we serve. Transition Stories and Song was postponed. We swiftly set an online space for Green Drinks and distributed an invitation widely to offer a space for reflection and connection, for listening and being listened to. The open session was deeply moving and gave those who came a sense of social solidarity whilst we physically distance. There were many who felt isolated, in very different ways – the young professional who lived on his own, the self isolating with suspected symptoms.
We felt Green Drinks simply had to go weekly.
Some of the topics explored in Green Drinks |
Since March 18th, Green Drinks has been on quite a ride – we’ve continued to make space to listen and be heard, had a gorgeously intimate Transition Stories and Song with Rapid Transition Alliance, the online format enabling artists from Stockholm, and right across the UK to perform. More recently, we’ve had informative and activating talks about Tooting Healthy Streets and Permaculture. Tomorrow, Jacqui Machin is giving a talk on the role of big business for a sustainable future as we #buildbackbetter. Click here for details.
We’d love for you to join our Facebook Group to attend, feel connected and help yourself and others to nurture a sense of activation as we start to look to the future. Just click this link.
30 Days Wild in Wandsworth
Bugs, bees and trees! |