Another interesting and well-attended First Tuesday event this evening at Mushkil Aasaan in Tooting was spent watching Chris Martenson’s UK Crash Course; a link to the youtube video is below for those of you who missed it.  And there’s more on Chris’s website.  One thing he explained was the difference between a problem (which can […]

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Bring your Seeds and Gardening Needs! On April 6th TTT will be holding a Seed Swap and Food Growing event at Mushkil Aasaan from 7-9pm and the event needs YOU! Do you have any spare packets of seed lying around from last year? Do you have any unloved gardening tools or would you like some […]

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Last night at Transition Town Tooting’s inaugural First Tuesday event, a screening of the best in environmental short films, the coveted Palme Verte was awarded to Mine – story of a sacred mountain, a moving documentary by Survival about the Dongria Kondh tribe of the Niyamgiri Hills in India. The Dongria Kondh’s whole way of […]

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We start our series of First Tuesday events on Tuesday March 2nd with a film night, where we will show several short films with relevance to transition and environmental issues.  There’ll be time afterwards for a discussion and the award of the Tooting Palme Verte to the evening’s favourite film.  Bring food to share if […]

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