If good meetings take practice, then in the past week we’ve been rehearsing for a team yellow jersey with six meetings in eight days –sometimes an uphill climb, sometimes a sprint!

There was the last workshop of our sixth series of Carbon Conversations; our monthly TTT co-ordination get together; inaugurating the new ‘SMART’ artists’ group; streamlining our web presence and communications; Community Garden planning; prep for the fifth annual Foodival (22 & 23 Sept).

Our last TTT email out said ‘come and help us plan’…we will share more on the content later (& do come along next time to find out more).

For now, I’m simply sharing some images of people engaging, listening, challenging, laughing, connecting.

Sitting around tables may not sound like a priority when you think of the challenges we’re all facing – but while planning isn’t a goal in its own right, it’s so important to do it as well as we can, and enjoy it together!   – Charles