That’s right. It’s less than a month until South London’s favourite sustainable food festival – Tooting Foodival!

Over on the Foodival blog, we’re ramping up the announcements – letting you know about all the great things that will be happening over the weekend, and all the great people who make Foodival the glorious local festival that it is.

Just this week, we’ve announced five local restaurants who are cooking for Foodival… and there will be more to come next week!

Can you donate produce to Foodival?

As well as the wonderful cooks, we couldn’t dish up over 600 servings to you hungry folk, without the generosity and talents of all the people growing delicious vegetables, fruit and herbs, who donate their produce to be cooked up overnight.

If you grow anything, or you know a grower, you can donate to Foodival… every salad leaf counts!

Add what you’re growing to the map! Share it with your friends. Download some flyers and dish them out to growers all around the area.

We can’t wait to see you all in just 4 short weeks!