BATCA Hero Hilary

It was a good night for TTT and our partners at last night’s BATCA (Balham & Tooting Community Association) Community Heroes Awards.  Our Rooting in Tooting colleagues at CARAS (Community Action for Refugees & Asylum Seekers), won a Team Award, while Hilary Jennings ex-co-chair and key player in TTT since 2008 was a highly commended hero(ine).

Eleanor Brown, CARAS Youth Services Co-ordinator, with Hafsa and Waseem
We were happy that our nomination for the ever helpful Ilesh Patel at Miss U Stationers also resulted in a highly commended award.  

Hilary, delighted (and somewhat surprised!) with her award, reported that “it was a great evening with a real sense of warmth and pride in how this area is a place of community and diversity. A few people mentioned it being an example of how diverse community can live well together.”

All the Community Award winners are listed in the BATCA press release – click here to read it.

Email us if you’d like to find out more about our Rooting in Tooting project and check out the newly launched CARAS website!  And don’t forget tomorrow’s Reduce Reuse Resparkle at Tooting Library!